cubicfabric is proud to announce the release of
Mokira's new album "FFT POP".
"FFT POP" is the fourth full length album following "Album" (Type Records).
In this album, Tilliander shows the one and only aesthetics with developed senses of melodies and the manners of dub.
What is remarkable is the mixture of hi-fi sound designing and the smells of decadance and beauty that 80's indie rock&pops have had (Tilliander mentions that this work is an homage to My Bloody Valentine's "Loveless" album).
Free from either low-fi romanticism or narrative folk/poptronica, Tilliander had succeeded in completing his masterpiece and predicting new era of POP music.
Tilliander welcomed a guest vocalist/lylicist Piana(cubic music/HAPPY) on a vocal track "Tsuki no Kioku" (means "memories of the moon" in Japanese).The two realized great collaboration to melt each world of view together. we hardly believe they just worked together with exchanging audio data via www.